So i just realized I haven't posted in almost a week sorry! I have just done what the normal Spaniard does on a daily basis. Wake up and catch bus number 24 to the University and then I go to my classes. My first class everyday is my advanced Spanish class. We have done work with grammar and some different tenses. So far it hasn't been that bad and the homework can be done and done well in like 30 minutes to an hour. On Tuesday and Thursday that's it I am done with school at 1020. However on Mondays and Wednesdays I have class again at 110 which is a history of Spain class which is also taught completely in spanish and is very interesting as well. We started just learning the geography of spain but yesterday we got into the beginning of Spain as it is known today with the marriage of Ferdinand and Isabel. I'm really excited to see where this class takes me because it should be a lot of fun to learn about Spain because we learn so much US history that learning someone elses is really interesting. Then my last class is at 3 on Mondays and Wednesdays and it is a class taught in english all about gender roles in Spain and their comparison to gender roles in the United States. I love this class it is so interesting and there are actual Spaniards taking the class so the differences are really obvious to see when we begin group discussions. But enough about school!
One of the Strangest things about Spain on the weekends is that while in the US it is completely common to just hang out at someones house or apartment it is actually not allowed by (some) apartment contracts to have people over at your house past midnight as a get together. So it feels like every night we are going to the Barrio so that we can just see friends. It's gonna be something to get used too because its really strange that even to just have a small group of people get together you have to go out to a bar. The nice thing is that there is no cover so it's not that expensive to do so I can still see my friends and not just sit on my computer all day! I've met a lot of really cool people from all over the country and we all have hit it off so well that its making this adventure just that much better!
A quick note about my family and living in a homestay. I am pretty sure that this is the best decision I made about Spain other than what city I wanted to study in. My family is awesome and they challenge me because there is a language gap with my vocabulary and the fact that they really don't speak very much english. The main concern when I first got here was that I wasn't going to eat anything but the food has been amazing and its all so fresh and it just I don't know tastes better than general food in the US. (Sorry mom I miss your cooking)!!!! The other thing is that adjusting to when they eat was definitely a struggle but now it almost seems normal, breakfast at 8am, lunch at 3pm and dinner at 830 or 9pm. It seems crazy but now it just seems a normal eating schedule.
Spain is an adventure so far its only been a few weeks and it feel like i've been here months i'm starting to figure out where to go in the city and the places to avoid, i'm learning the bus schedule and the eating habits i'm even learning to conserve water when I shower and to take military style showers. I'm excited to see what the next few months are going to do to change me even more as a person because I am slowly starting to see and feel a new me emerge from this amazing opportunity!
Here is a video of the view from the top of the Castle in Alicante
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