Monday, January 17, 2011

Right i have to go to school here :)

Today visited the campus for the first time to figure out my class schedule and who was going to be in my class. To get there we have a bus ride that is about 30 minutes but it's not that bad because we just go all through Alicante. My mom here makes me all three meals and makes sure that i eat them, if i don't make it home she leaves whatever she made in the microwave for me it's really cute. The whole family is nice and it's been a pretty easy transition so far. Tomorrow we are doing a walking tour of Alicante and after that is when i will post pictures so you guys can see where i'm living. I talked to mom and dad today for a little over a half hour it was nice they told me that it snowed at home today and i proceeded to tell them that I walked on the beach under the sun and surrounded by palm trees. it's really hard to miss snow when this is the alternative. I got side tracked sorry back to classes i am in the highest level of spanish they have and it meets every day monday through thursday. I don't have any classes on Friday which is fine with me! haha :) I have 3 classes on mondays and wednesday and 2 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It's going to give me lots of time to study and go to the beach and do other things in Alicante. During the tour that we are going on tomorrow we are going to visit the castle that is in the middle of the city and used to guard the harbor from Barbarian attacks when it was controlled by the Moors, the Arabs and the Christians. So far the city is more than i could have imagined and i've only been here one day, i can't wait to see what else is in store for me!

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