Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Hey Guys so this is going to be my blog about my travel to Alicante Spain for the Spring 2011 semester. I leave on January 11th from O'Hare and come back on May 20th. Hopefully this will keep you guys in touch with some of my adventure because i'm sure that's what it's going to be. The first bit of news I got today was my Host Family: This is what i recieved,
Address: Calle Pérez Galdós 54, 1º Izquierda
Details: Your host mom, Amparo, is a very nice woman who lives really close to Plaza de Luceros. You will be living with her; her son, who is 14 years old; and a German student. You will have your own individual room and will enjoy Amparo’s Spanish meals. This is a great opportunity for you to learn and practice your Spanish. We hope you like your family and have a really nice experience in Alicante!

So it appears i'm living with a family of 2 and i'm really excited to meet them and my German roommate as well. I have to go back to packing but I thought I would try to start this blog before I left.



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