Monday, January 24, 2011

First Weekend in Alicante

Well i made through my first week of classes which was only two days so I wasn't too worried. On Friday I hung out at a friends apartment and then we went to check out a discotecha and danced for a couple hours and then I was tired and went home. Sorry I know its not an exciting story but that's what happened! Saturday I did the same thing but we decided to embrace being in Spain and went out according to their times. In Spain nothing opens or gets busy until about midnight...its crazy. So we went to a bar called Goa and met up with some other kids from USAC. We then went to a small discotecha named Carpe Diem and met up with more USAC kids, there were Americans everywhere! Finally we ended the night at a club where my friend Alec's roommate works so we got in for free and like normal Spaniards we left at like 4 in the morning. I know that sounds crazy but that's the normal schedule here when people go out, i still haven't quite wrapped my head around it. On Sunday my whole family here slept until about 1 and then my mom made us oven baked chicken and roasted vegetables with corn on the cob it was so good! Then Sunday night at like nine o'clock a bunch of kids from USAC went to a bar called Havana and watched the Packers beat the Bears to move on to the Super Bowl! I was very happy with this outcome and with the fact that I could watch Football in general! Today I just had a normal day of class but I did begin to plan my trip to Bilbao, Spain in a few weeks to visit some friends we have studying there so that will be exciting!

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