Monday, May 16, 2011

Paris and Edinburgh

After spending quality time in Venice, we flew to Paris where we would meet up with another girl in our program named Amber. We stayed in a small hotel in Monmarte which is near the Moulin Rouge. The first night in Paris we decided to walk around looking at sights the main things that we did see that first day was the Arc de Triomphe, Champs Elyssee, Louvre gardens, Louve, Notre Dame and then finished our day at the Eiffle Tower seeing it sparkle which was really amazing. On the second day we continued to just see the sights and walk around was really cool again because we found some more really cool churches and began to find more and more things that weren't originly marked on the map we had, including the house where Jim Morrison lead singer of the doors was found dead, which was really close to the Bastille monument. The third day that we were in Paris we went inside the Notre Dame which was unbelievable and really had an impact on me, it was something i've wanted to see my whole life and finally getting to see it was truly unreal. After that we walked all the way to the Eiffle Tower and got in the line to go to the top, this was amazing we managed to get up to the second level right as the sun was going down so Paris was beginning to light up which was a crazy view from the top of the tower. You could see all the monuments that we had seenthe previous days. Then on the fourth day it happened to be May Day which is a major holiday in France and we couldn't go to Versailles like we wanted to instead we continued to walk around the city and went down to the replica Statue of Liberty because the one in New York was given to us by France. On our final day in Paris we were going to go to the Louvre but the line was obscenely long so we decided to go to the Luxembourg Gardens instead and then we headed out to the airport to fly to Edinburgh, Scotland.
In Edinburgh which was easily my favorite city I was in an English speaking country for the first time since January. On the second day we got up and went on a free walking tour where we learned a lot about the history of the city and the many monuments that can be found there. The coolest thing that we saw on the walking tour in my opinion was the Greyfriers Kirkyard, an old cemetery that houses many really old headstones and a lot of history within its walls. The second day we continued to walk around and see more of the city and I went to see the castle. The castle was massive and a really cool experience, that night I went on a ghost tour which was really cool because many people claim that Edinburgh is the most haunted place on the planet. The cemetery that we went in was really cool and really creepy at the same time. The third day we went to the National Scottish museum which was a cool free museum that had Dolly the sheep included in its exhibits. The next day we went to museum on Scotlands money which was really interesting and discussed the differences between the Scottish pound and the English pound. The next day however was the day I was most excited for because I found a company that did a day trip to St. Andrews. Yes the golf course, that day we started our trip by going to these really cool bridges like 20 minutes outside of Edinburgh, after that we went to the town where King Robert the Bruce of Scotland is buried. We then went to a city on the coast where we had fish and chips after that we went into the little city of St. Andrews to visit the golf course and the old home to Catholic Religion in the United Kingdom. This was really cool because the course itself was really interesting and then to be able to go on was really cool, i stood on the bridge on the 18th hole which was cool. After that the rest of the trip was very simple and we just hung around Edinburgh before we headed back to Alicante. I will upload pictures from these two stops when I get back to the states.

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