Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I tried posting yesterday but I couldn't think of anything here's another try!

It's hard to believe that almost a month ago I was packing my bags and saying my goodbyes to the good old US of A, but that's just it, in two days it will have been a month since i said goodbye to my mom and dad at O'hare. Once I left them I was worried and excited and i realize now that the worry was really nothing to worry about, I can already say in just a months time that coming abroad is one of the greatest decisions i have made in my entire life. So thank you mom and dad for helping me have this opportunity and for giving me the strength to be doing this by myself I love you guys so much! But on to what i've been doing for a week. :)
        So this week began with me at a bar with some Packers fans watching Green Bay win the Superbowl it was pretty cool and definitely worth staying up as late as we did to see them win! Then I just had a normal week of classes but this week I was giving an "intercombio" which is a native Spanish speaker who wants to improve their English. So we are conversation partners, so far we haven't been able to meet but we have been emailing, me in Spanish and him in English. His name is Diego and he is a 24 year old who works at the University. His English is much better than my Spanish is but I have a feeling my Spanish will only improve! The other news i got from the University is that a spot opened up in a class that I wanted to take for fun once a week called Dances of Spain. In this class we are going to learn the traditional dances of the Valencian region of Spain. It meets once a week at night and with my dance background I'm really excited to see what the class is like.
      Other than that we have been spending a lot of time outside because it has been in the 60's for the last week and a half got a couple hours in laying out at the beach. Its funny because all of the Spaniards look at us like we are crazy because in this weather they are all wearing gloves, hats, coats and boots. We all had on shorts and t-shirts and sandals it was just funny to see the difference. I'm going to leave you guys with some more pictures of Alicante, my new home!

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